Tuesday 15 December 2015

greed picture

I liked the way this artist has used the seven deadly sin greed to show a way of modern greed I thought this would be a good way to base my next project on I thought this was a good perception of modern day greed I like the way this is very simple however if you where to look at it this it is easy to recognisee that it is a piece talking about the modern day greed using the the money as eyes. I thought this was something I could recreate by drawing or adding a photo of a man and use the filters to change the style of the picture.

Monday 14 December 2015

seven 7

this is a poster for the film seven the film is based round the seven deadly sin featuring brad smith the film shows 2 detectives who are looking in to a string of murders that are tied together by small clues first a obese man then a rich man in a apartment followed by the other of the other seven deadly sins . I thought this would be a great piece to re create as it links back to the first project also it uses images to form the number I could recreate this using my own images as well as creating my own background this would be a good way to promote the seven deadly sins I could advertise my own film .

Friday 4 December 2015


this I s another piece I really like it is he same style that  liked on the other greed piece I really like the way the artist has given another modern day problem of how greed is seen It also shows you the other side of greed poverty I think this is again another strong piece of work I really liked this piece and want to use something in this style in my work

7 deadly sins

this is one of he 3 pictures I really liked i thought these looked very good I liked the way the artist had created many similar types of these pictures showing the type of greed in modern day I liked the style of this I think this is some think I will be able to r create drawing or through photo shop I also liked a few other one in the same style It was hard to find out the artist but there was to in very similar styles that I liked

Friday 27 November 2015


I liked the way this used pictures of Disney characters to portray the 7 deadly sins I thought I could use my own picture to make this design in my own way using different characters that I have grown up knowing are shown out to be greedy or proud for example I could re create this using different characters like scrooge as the greed sin and some one like buzz light year as a pride and some one from a cartoon villain as a wrath I thought this would be a good way to create my own design using this I also thought of a way similar to this using playing cards to make my own designs on these sheets.

1 piece i liked

i liked the way this piece looked I thought I could change this into my own design to make it look like a greed silhouette I think I am going to change the works at the bottom and maybe change the dollar sign

Friday 13 November 2015

the food alphabet using speghetti

this is one of the other style of food alphabets I created using spaghetti I used a template of the word type and used to colour tool to get a similar colour to past then using the paint brush tool and the blur tool to create a style that makes the text look like a hand full of the pasta creating the text I thought this went well as it was a good way to research other styles of text also it relates to the food alphabet in my sketch book.