Friday 13 November 2015

the food alphabet using speghetti

this is one of the other style of food alphabets I created using spaghetti I used a template of the word type and used to colour tool to get a similar colour to past then using the paint brush tool and the blur tool to create a style that makes the text look like a hand full of the pasta creating the text I thought this went well as it was a good way to research other styles of text also it relates to the food alphabet in my sketch book.


  1. creative way to generate text. would be ice to see this developed into a final conclusion in your sketch book, food campaign , menu card?

  2. feedback on presentation 20 11 15
    Feedback on class presentation at deadline 20 11 15 Graphics AS
    James Hartwell Parry
    Some nice design work. Your design sheets refined on presentation as they moved from initial exploration in sheet 1 and 2 into 3 and finally 4. There was a very successful final’ wave’ design as a final conclusion, this was a little close to the original artist’s work and would have benefited from moving this on a further step.
    You spoke clearly and covered most of the main points unaided, you needed to be prompted on very little. Your final designs were well presented but we feel could have been developed further – stretching the artist links by moving their ideas on further with your own ideas. Sketch books worked well but again lacked thorough annotation.
    Typed annotation of work both on sheets helped the final overall professional feel further, this could be extended to some parts of your sketchbooks. Your blog has 12 posts but needs to be annotated in chunks of 200 words still.
    You have met the extended deadline but we will expect to see more development for the next project to hit those top grade descriptors

