Monday 25 April 2016

project 1

after looking going over my projects I thought I could have a go at editing the final piece I created for project one I this I is what I ended up creating this is the final piece from project one I created this using the piece I then added a few of the tools I learnt how to use after we complete this project for example the tool to duplicate text and spared it round the page I thought this work well as It changed the yellow background from looking very bold to giving it something to stand out I  think it works well as the texts is all mix making the background better instead if looking very plain .

bringing text into my work

this is my poster I created from the project one I thought I would be able to bring in text along side the seven deadly sins in my work by taking inspiration from the way I used many different type of text through project 1 and use this to create my leaflet in the next project by tying in text I thought I could add text to make up the faces I am going to create for my final piece similar to the way I created the Pepsi cup in the style of David Carson.

Monday 8 February 2016


this would also be a good leaflet style to use as I could have one of the each sins on a piece that would fold out .


I thought about making a leaflet I saw how this one was folded to make a suite n like the way it looked I could make my own for one of the seven deadly sins that would tie into my work with the greed poster I created using the black silhouette with the pound sign in his eyes I could use that to create a leaflet in the same style as this one.

Tuesday 15 December 2015

greed picture

I liked the way this artist has used the seven deadly sin greed to show a way of modern greed I thought this would be a good way to base my next project on I thought this was a good perception of modern day greed I like the way this is very simple however if you where to look at it this it is easy to recognisee that it is a piece talking about the modern day greed using the the money as eyes. I thought this was something I could recreate by drawing or adding a photo of a man and use the filters to change the style of the picture.

Monday 14 December 2015

seven 7

this is a poster for the film seven the film is based round the seven deadly sin featuring brad smith the film shows 2 detectives who are looking in to a string of murders that are tied together by small clues first a obese man then a rich man in a apartment followed by the other of the other seven deadly sins . I thought this would be a great piece to re create as it links back to the first project also it uses images to form the number I could recreate this using my own images as well as creating my own background this would be a good way to promote the seven deadly sins I could advertise my own film .

Friday 4 December 2015


this I s another piece I really like it is he same style that  liked on the other greed piece I really like the way the artist has given another modern day problem of how greed is seen It also shows you the other side of greed poverty I think this is again another strong piece of work I really liked this piece and want to use something in this style in my work